Monday, October 16, 2006


Originally uploaded by ChristinaSchulz.

I love Dahlia's and have ever since I was a child. My grandmother was a master gardener who had every kind of flower on her land.She grew grapes, strawberries and figs and the best tomatoes you ever put in your mouth Each year she had dahlia's in her garden and I was captivated even then with their showiness. Since moving here you see them everywhere they seem to thrive in this climate and each time I see them it makes me smile . Often while driving to the coast or along the country roads here you will see flower stands with cut dahlis's for a couple of dollars which you pay on the honor system. It is one of the simple pleasures of living here. Thanks to Christina Schultz for the picture. I hope to go next year when the Log Cabin Dahlia farm has it's open house.
While reading my blogs yesterday I came across Darlene 's blog about motherhood and loss. I too can identify with the blogger she referenced who also lost her mom to cancer as I did also. I still miss my mom almost everyday. The one thing I have found that I miss the most from both my parents and their loss is to hear their voice.You remember how they sounded but sometime you just wish you could hear it again.
I read once that you are never truly an adult until you lose both your parents and I find that is true because once you lose them you really have only yourself to depend on in the end as there will never be anyone else who loves you like your mom.


Anonymous said...

The flowers are still blooming there? Yes, they are beautiful.

Cheryl said...


I love dahlias too! It has been so good to read about your encounters with the NW. Growing up here, I have become somewhat numb to the beauty around me and take it all so for granted. Thank you for opening my eyes and re-awakening my awareness!

On a totally different track, I appreciate you sharing about your mother. My mother has cancer and it is expected that one day she will lose her life to it. We just don't know the time line. There is always room for a miracle...and God may choose to do that...but so far, we're all just going the next step. What do we have to do next?

I remember the day my siblings and I found out she had cancer, and my thought was, "oh, I guess that will make me an orphan." From what you shared, I know I'm not alone in those feelings...

Thank you for sharing your heart.

Anonymous said...

I know that this is a comment that is being left at a much later time than when you posted this. But none the less..I lost my dad to cancer. I completely understand. And, when we packed up the house, I came across his anwering machine, I recorded his voice... my dad was ALWAYS my safety net. I miss him. And I feel his void.