Sunday, October 08, 2006


Elowah Falls #01
Originally uploaded by Mr_Tambourine_Man.

I love fall it is my favorite time of year.
For the first time today when I was going into a store I smelled wood smoke and it made me think of fireplaces and fall weather.
I love the autumnal colors of the harvest and the mornings when I go to work and fog hangs close to the ground or up in the treetops creating an almost etheral landscape.
I love to decorate for Halloween and Harvest . This time of year for me is about natures bounty and having fun.Halloween decorations are just fun. Christmas is my favorite holiday , followed by Thanksgiving and Easter .
The leaves are beginning to turn here and going back and forth to McMinnville I see that the vineyards are turning golden and the grapes are being harvesteD.
I hope to get back into the swing of things this week and start back on One Deep Breath and Sunday Scribblings.
Hope you all have a terrific week.


Jennifer S. said...

what a gorgeous photo, makes me want to go for another hike RIGHT NOW! I adore fall, woodsmoke, soft rain, fog and all that. My fav season by far.

Kim G. said...

Fall is such a beautiful time in the NW - so glad you're here to enjoy it!

Cheryl said...

How wonderful that you're getting settled in McMinnville. It is such a nice area. It's good to hear you're enjoying the beauty of fall and getting accustomed to your new home and surroundings. I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things this week will be good to read more of your entries! Welcome home to the NW!

Darlene said...

Mmmmm...beautiful picture & I too love to decorate

(except for that one time I brought in some fall leaves to decorate the thanksgiving table and during dinner a HUGE HAIRY black spider decided to come out of hiding)!!!!!!!!!!!!

You should of seen uncle D move!!!!
hee hee

now I always put a leaf on his plate at the table :D

I'm bad :)
