Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thanks to Ugly Kitty at Flickr for this mosaic of Posie's studio. I want to turn our guest room into a craft/studio for me .I love Posie's studio and want to try some of things she has done here. I love the aqua color.You should also visit her blog Posie Gets Cozy.
Other goodies I have found lately are the shop Threadless. I love their Tshirts please check them out.
I don't go to the scrapbooking site Two Peas In a Bucket like I did in the past but I am inspired by this girls work. She is so raw and honest .Just go to their web site and do a Peanut Search for allison s and you will see what I mean.
We get our taxes done this afternoon and I dread it.It seems no matter how much they take out we still owe and we are just your normal middle class people and by no means wealthy.
I ask that if you read this today you say a small prayer for me.I am going Friday to get an appt for my yearly mammogram as I have a first degree relative with breast cancer{my mom} who died from the disease and about a week or so ago I found something suspicious. It may be nothing but I am scared.
I was reading Michelle's blog and she mentioned she had never been touched by things like this or death of family members and I wish I could say that but alas all that either my husband and I have left is one sister apiece.I wonder sometime why some people lead charmed lives and others struggle so?I guess that would be one of the questions I would ask God if I could?

1 comment:

thea said...

Not a long post but wow-so much here.

First I also love her studio and the aqua color is fantastic. I look forward to seeing what you do. I really need better organization in mine-it gets messy so easily.

I will be thinking and dancing and praying for you tomorrow. I found a suspicious thing myself last year and I had a mammogram and it turned out just to be thickening?

I have found myself asking this question alot lately myself.
Love and kisses