Sunday, November 04, 2007

Sorry it has been so long since I posted but I have worked 4 12hour shifts of the last 6 days.

I got an email that these books which I had reserved weeks ago are in at the library. I really like this author and these stories. This is technically teen fiction but the story drags you in and you really like the characters. So Wednesday when I am off and the library is open I will go pick these up and escape into the world of Bella,the Cullens and Forks, WA.

Now I am off to watch the Patriots and the Colts play.I am rooting for the Colts.


His Girl Friday said...

ah, the joys of the well-awaited new book to read!! :)

Well, my hubby and my son are Colts fans as well!! (me, I'll stick to rugby! ;D)

Shelby said...

love new books... enjoy

Monique Kleinhans said...

I think there are few things better than allowing yourself the time to read for enjoyment. You've inspired me to go find a new book! Thanks!