I encourage each of you who read here to watch this Video.It is very personal to me as I grew up in this part of the country.The University pictured in this video is very small and is a Baptist College but when we would drive up to Nashville to see my sister we drove by this school each time. This city was devasted by just such a winter tornado only about 5 years ago at night.A friend who lives about 20-30 min from where this storm hit sent me the link for this video.I think this video speaks to the power of nature and God's Providence and Care. Today each time I have watched it it brings tears to my eyes.
On Super Tuesday while watching the election coverage and the coverage of the storms it brought back loads of memories for me. If you grow up anywhere in Tornado Alley you know that they are a part of life but yet each time one happens you are amazed by their ferocity and power. I imagine the majority of the students at this college had grown up knowing what to do in case of the real thing{you get in the center of the house or interior bathroom and cover up with a mattress} it is what you learn to do from a very early age.I know the ones I have experienced that right before they hit the rain seems to stop and it really does sound like a train.I think the knowledge of what to do when they come and the prayers are what made this so much less a tragedy than it could have been.
I ask that you continue to keep these people and all those affected in your thoughts and prayers.
I want to pass this blessing award to all those who read here but especially these three people whose strength gives me hope. Please pass it on to others who are a blessing to you.
Am I pretty in Pink?
Sweet Surrender
A Walk in My Shoes
Dear Yolanda,
What a powerful video. I am almost speechless.
You are such a kind and eloquent person, and you are a blessing. Thank you so much for passing on the blessing award to me. I will find a way to pass it on.
Best regards, Carver
I didn't realize it was a Christian college. The Lord's hand of protection truly was on them for there to be no loss of life.
Thank you for sharing this with me.
Thank you Yolanda!!
lovlingly, deena
I thought of God's power as I watched this on the news. That video was powerful, thank you!
I am glad that you enjoyed my post. It was one I needed to read as I wrote it, LOL. There are days I would just love to stop all that running, but gotta keep on going. May you be truly blessed.
Thank you for sharing this... wow. I've been there too many times.
It is unbelievable.
We were not affected here near Birmingham - and we are counting our blessings.
Thanks for sharing this video. It puts many things in perspective for me...I have a dear friend living in Kentucky and she sent out emails to let everyone know she was alright and she described her experience and the sound as being just like you said...something I cannot fathom living in California. My prayers go out to those stricken at the University and elsewhere. Thanks again for sharing and do drop by again...
Most sincerely,
Thanks for embedding this video and making real to me what these people experienced. What a horror. May we all be kind to each other and help those who suffered through this to recover. And may we be kind to this earth.
How difficult and sad--and swift.
Wishing you the peace of God.
thank you for visiting my blog and for your kind comments...
and thanks for this video...it is awe inspiring to see how much devastation there was on the college campus..and know that God protected all the students living there...
thanks again...
Indeed, a powerful video!
One of the first real tough lessons in life, is when you realize that not everything is in our control...it is in the surrendering that we learn true contentment. Thank you for the award...I am humbled and appreciate your kindness and love.
Happy Sunday Yolanda,
xOx Darlene
God is so wondeful.
You hem me in - behind and before;
you have laid your hand upon me... Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? Psalm 139:5;7
Thank you for stopping by my blog I hope you visit again, I'm glad I visited your blog today. Blessings this Sunday.
Sarah x
Thankyou for posting these scenes.
The nearest we come to this in Britain recently has been unprecedented flooding -
our thoughts are with you.
As always ... thanks for sharing.
Hugs and blessings,
The video is touching. The amount of devastation is so great and unbelievable. Thank you for the blessing. I believe that you are truly blessed.
I whole heartedly agree with Darlene and ditto what she had written in her comment.
The video is a must see. It brought tears to my eyes. We have family that live in Camden, and Jackson Tenn. Everyone is okay. Charlie was born in Tennessee. He lived there until he was about 12 years old. He has many fond memories there and considers that state to be his home state. We were in the hospital when we seen the news about the Tornado.
Thank you Yolanda for your words of encouragment and letting me know that you are there. You have been such a blessing to me. We will find out tomorrow (Tuesday at 3:45) what kind and at what stage. I am scared. I admit it.
I feel your prayers
Thank you my friend
all my love
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