So, whenever you feel gripped by pressure and tension.....Stop for several minutes and remove yourself from the activity at hand. Then bring from memory scenes that have impressed you by their beauty. This practice never fails to have a therapeutic effect. And when restless and troubled at night, seeking sleep, review these scenes until God's quietness overcomes you and you drift into a sound and untroubled sleep. Seeking relaxation and inner peace, of course, should never be an end in itself. The idea is not to retreat from life's responsibilities, but to build a quiet center inside one's body and soul from which you emerge each morning to enter vigorously into the day."Norman Vincent Peale
I'v used this picture before but it evokes peace to me .
Have a Wonderful,Warm and Safe Weekend.
Oh, I love the gorgeous Oregon Coast - especially from the mid-coast south with all the fabulous rock formations. That's so relaxing. And they've had snow, too, this week! Amazing! ~Adrienne~
Beautiul shot. Thnaks for sharing the peace.
Just read your commnet. And yes, Josylin Jackson's Between, Georgia is a favorite. Gods in Alabama was good to, but love the little girl in Georgia!
I need the peace. I love the picture. Thanks, Yolanda. You're a dear.
Thanks for stopping by May's Day. I enjoy your blog, too. I'm going to pick up some of the books you've recommended over vacation. I'm in need of a good book right now!
I will try this. And I will think of your beautiful blog when I do it!
Lovely reminder from Normal Vincent Peale to accompany your gorgeously peaceful photograph. Thanks for sharing.
Hugs and blessings,
This is so timely. Thank you. I'm working such long hours right now that sometimes it really gets to me. THis is a tip that I'm sure will come in handy.
Haystack Rock, Cannon Beach, Oregon! Beautiful photo and thought, Yolanda.
The NVP quote reminds me of the Quaker "center down", which I try to do in times of outer turmoil. Or any ol' time. Much like what we take away from the practice of meditating, returning to that quiet center, inside of each of us.
Have a safe and cozy weekend, Yolanda!
This is a wonderful and peaceful photo. Great quote and true that we need to find our peace filled places to re-energize us for living more fully. It is so easy to not make the time for a little peace each day.
I adore this quote! I just found your blog and feel I have found a kindred spirit. I look forward to coming for another visit.
wishing you peaceful moments during these days of frenzy...moments in which you are snuggled in with the Christmas spirit of contentment and joy ~
Merry Christmas Yolanda ~
A wonderful picture. And I'm sitting here, purposely relaxing (can you do that? yes). Have baking and "stuff" to do but it will all get done.
Thanks, Y. And a very blessed and happy Holiday Season to you and yours.
Hi Yolanda. Love this photo. It is an instant reminder of recent visits to Oregon over the last couple of years. I know you folks are really getting hit with the snow. My son just called and they may not be getting out of Portland airport for Christmas until things can be rescheduled. Grim times. Another friend has been stuck on the local train that runs to the airport etc. The tracks have become impassable. As much as I will hate to not have them here, I would rather know they are safe. Stay warm and under cover. And a very Merry Christmas to you.
Ah yes, this is beautiful. Peaceful. Relaxing. Love the quote, too. Have a lovely and warm weekend! K xo
I'm in heaven looking at where I've been and where I long to be.
The music you have been is absolutely divine. I added the Moonlight piece to my playlist. I don't think I had heard that before and it truly is exquisite.
Happy Sunday to you today and Merry Christmas week!
p.s. do you have an email address that you'd share? I know I had it at one point but my AOL account is kaput and everything I had there is lost.
Oh, that IS a beautiful, serene photograph and one that I appreciate seeing this afternoon. The holidays can become so hectic and busy and having moments of quiet and rest is sooooooo needed. Thanks!
You are right. It is an incredibly peaceful picture. I have my own photographic version of this exact place. Did I ever tell you I used to live in Oregon? I still miss it.
lovely photo and post!!! thank you!! :)
This is so true and what an appropriate time for all of us to have this reminder.
This is so true and what an appropriate time for all for this reminder.
It is a peaceful, relaxing photo!
And goodness knows, this is exactly the time of year when we need to read (and see) something like this--thank you, Yolanda!
This is a beautiful picture and reminder. The shot reminds me of a gorgeous body of water in New Hampshire that we visited this summer.
Good advice. I will have no problem returning to this picture. I left you a message on my blog, but my first name is Christy.
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