I would give this book 4 of 5 stars.
I really enjoyed this book. It was very good and set during the period of pre WWII and the post war era of the 50's . It shows the stories of picture girls and arranged marriages and what the immigrant experience was like for the people who came from Asia to our shores.
It tells the story of this war from the Chinese perspective and also explores the deep and personal bonds of sisters.
I didn't care to much for Peony In Love but in this story Lisa See redeems herself.
It is a book that deals with the immigrant experience and the depth of a mothers love .
It tells the story of this war from the Chinese perspective and also explores the deep and personal bonds of sisters.
I didn't care to much for Peony In Love but in this story Lisa See redeems herself.
It is a book that deals with the immigrant experience and the depth of a mothers love .
Here is an overview from Good Reads:
May and Pearl, two sisters living in Shanghai in the mid-1930s, are beautiful, sophisticated, and well-educated, but their family is on the verge of bankruptcy. Hoping to improve their social standing, May and Pearl’s parents arrange for their daughters to marry “Gold Mountain men” who have come from Los Angeles to find brides.But when the sisters leave China and arrive at Angel’s Island (the Ellis Island of the West)—where they are detained, interrogated, and humiliated for months—they feel the harsh reality of leaving home. And when May discovers she’s pregnant the situation becomes even more desperate. The sisters make a pact that no one can ever know. A novel about two sisters, two cultures, and the struggle to find a new life in America while bound to the old, Shanghai Girls is a fresh, fascinating adventure from beloved and bestselling author Lisa See.
The ending was a bit unexpected but I look forward to seeing with the author does with it.
All in all a thought provoking novel.
The ending was a bit unexpected but I look forward to seeing with the author does with it.
All in all a thought provoking novel.
On another note I have been thinking what a better world it would be if we as women started practicing Positive Gossip.I know that I like everyone else i don't want to be talked about but haven't we all been guilty of listening when others do it or even participating in it ourselves.
I wonder why we as women choose to tear each other down rather than build each other up as most of us me included have not very good self esteems. I think that often that is what leads us to gossip in the first place because by making others seem lesser it makes us feel better about ourselves. Instead why don't we try to find at least one good thing about each other and try to get others to spread that around. I am going to try and practice this . How about you?
I know that over the last few months my posting here has been hit or miss but I want to try to get back here more often and to document the joys of summer and just life in general.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend.I have to work so wish me luck.
"Fear less, hope more;Whine less, breathe more;Talk less, say more;Hate less, love more;And all good things are yours."
-Swedish Proverb
-Swedish Proverb
This sounds like another good read. Thanks for the review.
About positive gossip--I agree with you. Why isn't there more of it? Why don't we feed ourselves with the emotional nourishment we crave? It's a wonderful thing to just go about saying kind thing to, for, and about others.
mmmmmm, so you think I should pick this up?
You have reminded me of a saying that I put up in my classroom for years when I had first through third graders. I know that there are many different versions, but this is what we tried to practice:
Before you speak, ask yourself;
is it true..
is it kind..
is it necessary?
If we could answer YES to all three, it was fine to speak and say something about someone.
It is amazing how this brings our words and thoughts into a positive and constructive path.
Thanks for the reminder.
Happy and fulfilled weekend to you.
I heartily agree with you about trying to be positive in our comments about others. I think that's a wonderful movement to get started!
I'm really wanting to read this book - thanks for your thoughts.
And thanks for your nice comment on my blog post today :)
I heartily agree with you about trying to be positive in our comments about others. I think that's a wonderful movement to get started!
I'm really wanting to read this book - thanks for your thoughts.
And thanks for your nice comment on my blog post today :)
You always seem to read the most interesting books! Adding another to my list...
I so agree with your postive gossip outlook. Have been very guilty of joining in the gossiping also. Several years ago, in Wyoming, I worked at a place that consisted of a bunch of women and one Doctor. It was a horrible gossip mill and you could be sure when leaving the room that the conversation would turn to you. Now, I love those ladies and they are still my friends, but when we moved out here I made a pact with myself to not join in that kind of thing anymore. I've done okay, though I have to remind myself from time to time to leave a conversation that's turning that direction. Now you've made me think to try to turn it around and make it positive.
I received my book from you today. Thanks so much, Yolanda! It's on my nightstand, ready to read next. Looks really good!
I do love the idea of positive gossip - we are all human, and talking about others is an eternally fascinating topic! I really try to do the positive rather than the negative, but a reminder is always a good thing, for when those good intentions slip!
I wrote a post about gossip a while back, in which I outed myself. I generally like to see the positive in people and be a cheerleader for others. I think it shows strength of character, confidence, kindness, and wisdom and to do it openly and with wild abandon is just plain fun. Thanks for the reminder.
This book is on my list...I read "Peony in Love" and enjoyed it so I look forward to this one...and with your recommendation I'm sure I won't be disappointed.
As for positive gossip...it's the only kind. In the past I've been as guilty as the next person for participating in (even just by listening) to negative gossip. I learned 4 years ago that life is too short for this kind of thing and only positive energy fits in my life.
Thanks for commenting on my blog...nice to meet you!
Hi Yolanda ! Thanks so much for your visit and your sweet and friendly comment - I am happy to have connected with you in the lovely world of Blogland.
I so agree about your call for positive gossip ! Some people call it Pollyanna (not sure why this is bad ?) but I am determined to make that kind of positive attitude and love sharing a part of my world in whatever ways possible. Life has enough challenges on its own without making it harder by senselessly hurting others with our words !
Today's Gossip :
So I hear there is this really cool chick who gives really great book reviews in Blogland...and check out her blog name - "Perfectly Imperfect" - how perfect is that !
Cheers !
Sounds like a good book. I'll add it to my list.
And...I am so with you on the positive gossip. As all of our mothers, grandmothers and aunties used to say, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."
I agree that we need to watch those things we say. This has been a good word to me today.
I'm glad you liked the post and/or link to the baby falcons. This is the first time I have visited your blog.
I noticed you refered to an indy book. I see that reference all the time: i.e. indy rock, indy film, etc. I don't know what that means. I guess I have been living under a rock.
We should practice kindness and try to build each other up. Good thoughts.
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