Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Baker Creek

Do you like receiving handwritten letters and packages through the mail?There is just something about going to the mail box after a hard days work and finding a letter or card from a friend. I grew up in a rural community and I remember everyone knew when their mail carrier came and I would run to the mailbox to see what was inside. I always was very excited when it was a catalog,a Readers Digest or a free sample.

I began pen paling in my teens and continue into my 20's because I just loved the idea of getting mail from other parts of the country and world and learning about other peoples lives and customs. I still do.

In recent weeks I joined over on Good Reads a group called Chicks on Lit and they had a solicitation for pen pals which I eagerly applied for and have made a very good friendship with Cindy in AZ. I am excited still to go to the mailbox and find a handwritten letter from a friend. If any of you reading here want to join in the fun let me know Just email me your address. I will write to you or when can have a match up.I know that it will delight you as much as me to receive a personal piece of mail rather than a bill or junk mail.It doesn't have to be long it can just be a card.

Here is another site Post crossing (where you can exchange postcards with people from other parts of the world.

Handwritten letters are another simple pleasure.

During my second year of nursing school our professor gave us a quiz. I breezed through the questions until I read the last one: "What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?" Surely this was a joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times, but how would I know her name? I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Before the class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our grade. "Absolutely," the professor said. "In your careers, you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say hello." I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy. ~Joann C. Jones


Sherry said...

Ah pen pals. I did this in my teens and into my 20s (probably into my 30s if I'm honest!). I made some wonderful friendships, met so many wonderful people and my best friend in the whole world started out as a pen pal. We are now like sisters and get together every few years (we live an ocean apart). There is truly something wonderful about a letter in the mail (though these days we telephone & email).

Unknown said...

I love hand written letters. They seem to be a thing of the past. My sister has a box of letters from our Mom & Grandparents. I wish now that I had saved all of the letters Mom wrote to me.

SandyCarlson said...

I used to have loads of pen pals. My favorite was my Gram. I used to love to write even though I had horrible handwriting.

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

I was like you growing up in a small town where one had to go to the post office to get the mail. Each box had a double twirling lock & I was thrilled when my father gave me the combination. I was always shaking with excitement to open the box hoping there was a letter in there for me. Unlike today's mail where one finds solicitation of all sorts, receiving a personal letter or card is so special.

What a great ending lesson to learn. So many times, we are so wrapped up in our own thoughts that we don't let others in...the simple pleasure of smiling and greeting someone who makes our lives just a little more complete.

Happy Wednesday!!

PERBS said...

I had 40 penpals when I was a kid and stamps coxst 3 cents apiece. I have many good memories from that.

Today, I write to a friend I met blogging that lives in France. We not only email each other and visit each other's blogs but we send postcards back and forth also. It has been a lot of fun and I am learning a little French along the way.

I wish you much joy in your new pen pal friendship.

Renee said...

You are right, there is nothing like it.


Gigi Thibodeau said...

Handwritten letters and cards are one of my greatest joys! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving your lovely comment! xo Gigi

Cloudia said...

That was one great professor!

Aloha, Friend!

Comfort Spiral

Delena said...

Thanks for your kind comment on my blog. I too love getting hand written letters especially the ones my grandchildren send me when I am away for the winter. I also love ordering things from ebay. The thrill of the package is awesome and a little silly!

Sue said...

I think in this day of text messages and emails, people are forgetting the joy of getting a handwritten letter. I'm glad you have found a new friend.


Connie said...

You might get inundated with pen pal requests! I LOVE the sending and the receiving of REAL mail :)

Karen Deborah said...

love them and I have several hat boxes full of my saved treasures. I would have even more but have purged them a couple of times. A handwritten note is so hard to throw away.

Mari Mansourian said...

there is something special about getting an actual letter huh...
thanks for stopping by at my corner :)

ShySongbird said...

Hi Yolanda, thank you very much for visiting my blog :)

A letter through the post is something special but not something I see so much any more. I must admit blogging takes such a lot of my time these days that I would find it difficult to keep up with pen pals as well!

I had to smile at your post about 'seeing hearts', I see pictures everywhere, in the clouds, the flames of a fire, on wallpaper, carpets...just about anywhere! Probably the result of an over-active imagination ;)

Mickle in NZ said...

Dear Yolanda,

I'm still kind of stunned that once on a time, one day you visited my blog and commented, and had me thinking WOW. Sending love and care, and admiration,

Michelle in Wellington, NZ, xxx

Word Verification has me laughing, now try to find a definition for - snattrab

Jan said...

Yolanda, sorry I haven't been around for awhile. I used to love handwritten letters. Now I've degenerated to cards, but I still like real mail. So you and I both love books and handwritten letters!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful autumn photo.

Ah, real letters. So few nowadays have the patience to write them. I tried to write one recently--only about three pages--and was amazed at how sore my hand became from holding the pen! Out of practice! :-)

You're so right, though. What a simple joy.

Josie Ray
Appalachian dream

Come Away With Me said...

Hi Yolanda. Thanks for your recent visit and comment!

Christy Woolum said...

Yes, I love getting hand-written letters and what a lovely idea of pen pals. I love this post.

Dutchbaby said...

How great that you are keeping an old tradition alive.

I love the story of your nursing test; your professor was very wise.

Cedar ... said...

What a beautiful picture in this post. it reminds me of a shot way back some 30+ years ago that I used to create an oil painting for my mother. I had a penpal in Scotland when I was a teenager back in the 50s,.. somehow real letters seem to be so rare now. I miss that personal touch.

Sharon Lynne said...

I loved passing and receiving notes in grade school. What a mystery...a little folded up piece of paper. What could it say?

I also would run and check the mail each day! And I still love stationery. I'm crazy about paper...any kind.

That was a great little story on the end of your post. A wise teacher.

Relyn Lawson said...

Oh, Y. I do love mail. So very much. I just grinned to read this happy post of yours.

Paula said...

I had penpals when I was a kid as well. I got my first one through Western Horseman magazine when I was probably 10 or 11, then had penpals all through high school. It was such fun. One of my penpals from England even called me once and a pen friend and I from Japan would exchange small gifts that would fit into the envelopes. I loved it and would love to join you in your pen pal adventure!