Wednesday, June 07, 2006

This photo wa s taken on a cold and windy day on a bluff looking over the Atlantic in Cape Cod,MA. I just liked the contrast of the shell against the sand.It seemed a fitting photo for today as I have started reading A Gift From the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. The book was published in 1955 but still has timely messages for today and this time in my life. As I was reading it today she likened middle age to a floating nautilus shell and likened this time in life as a second adolescense.A time that if used correctly can lead you to turn inward and examine what the you want from the rest of your life.She also is a strong proponent of Simplicity and I agree . The older I get the more I see that the aquiring of more and more things does make me any happier if anything much less so.She also says that in creativity we find a way to express the inner soul that we keep hidden from the world much like a oyster who isn't the prettiest shell in the sea but who holds a treasure inside.
Why such introspection ? Every year around my birthday which will be Monday I think of the passage of time and where I want to go with my life in the coming year.So this books spoke to my heart today.
My creative outlet has become photography . Now granted I am not a pro by any means but I enjoy capturing the world around me. I have been thinking that since getting my new camera that I see the world thru new eyes.It has made me appreciate that each flower,bird and things other people walk by without a second glance like a wildflower by the roadside or a shell has its own natural beauty just waiting to be discovered by someone who takes the time to look. I think that is why I like photography so.My camera has become like an appendage to me.
I found a blog that I have been reading for awhile now that speaks to this also.Pawprints, Lynn seems to be at a similar place with her life . I like her Transformation Manifesto.
Yesterday I went to the town I grew up in and took some photo's of the local state park.I will share them in the coming days.


Susannah Conway said...

what a lovely photograph, and so fitting for me to see this today - a delicate shell surrounded by the wildness - thank you

Anonymous said...

Hi Yolanda! How perfect to read Gift From The Sea while you're at the Cape! :O)

Jennifer S. said...

I love that book. It is such a treasure...