I just finished this book and I really enjoyed it. I did a review of it at the Mermaids Bookshelf or click on the link in my sidebar.
I really enjoy her writing style because of the way she tackles the really tough issues we face today. This one was about Teen Rape.Mrs. Picoults other books deal with issues of sacrificing one child for another, infanticide,school shootings, and the paranormal. She often has undertones in her books of faith and its effects on the hard choices we all must make in life.I encourage you to check her out and I feel you want be disappointed.
On another note I must be getting old , in fact I know I am not far from the AARP discount when it takes so little to make me happy. This is an example from today.I went to our local library to get a book and they have shelves of library book sale books. I spied and bought Eat,Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert(*****),Firstborn by Robin Lee Hatcher,and a Luanne Rice book The Edge of Winter all for less than $3.oo. I then went to the Goodwill and found The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield which I have been wanting to read for quite sometime, The Rice Mother and a Rachel Ray 30 minute Get Real Meals all for $10.00. It amazing how books make my day. I am surely the dullest person on earth don't you think?
I have found this new Blogger that is hilariously funny that I want to share with you Mrs. G. Go check her out and you will roll with belly laughs.
You are incredibly lucky with your book buying.
I am a native Oregonian (as you know) but I'm Californian at heart, too. I love love sunshine.
Thanks for the book tips and for the funny blog :)
No, you are not dull! You know what makes you happy -- what a blessing that is! I agree with the 5-star rating for Eat Pray Love. Borders has a video of Gilbert chatting with a book club at http://www.bordersmedia.com/shows/bookclub/gilbert.asp
-- I thought it was very interesting, but it's pretty long.
I don't think you are boring at all with your enthusiasm for books. I'm looking for the next great book to read, something that I can happily spend a few hours with each evening, so I'm glad that you've recommended so many good books.
I heard that Elizabeth Gilbert has a new book coming out - a follow up to Eat, Pray, Love. Have you heard of it? She mentioned on her second visit to the Oprah show that Eat, Pray, Love is being made into a film and that Julia Roberst will be playing her. That should be interesting.
Thanks for the sweet words.
Mama Bear
Nope! You = not dull. Thanks for visiting my blog!
Just replying to your comment about how I liked all this snow on my blog. . . you man the whole one inch of it we got on Monday early morning and was gone by 2:00 PM? The 18 photos I have are just about all I was able to find during the 5 hour walk I did after the snow landed and before it melted. I was happy to see it stay for a few hours but it sure wasn't much and didn't last long for me.
I feel the same about books.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
We share a love of haiku and photography so I will be visiting yours regularly.
someday my time for cuddling up with a good book will return!! ;)
I do read but sporadically, and with interruptions...so some books are harder to read than others.
I'm always up for a laugh, so I'll check out the other blog, thanks :)
i've never read jodi picoult, though i know she's popular.
i saw erik larson on your list (on your other blog) and i think he's terrific.
I think your book score sounds like a perfect treat to me! A couple of those titles have long waiting lists at the library.
So you like Jodi Picoult. My birthday daughter introduced me to her a few years ago. I've read Vanishing ACTS.
One of a kind and hard to put down.
Wowser--awesome book bargains!
I don't think you are dull at all. Books are interesting and a love of them opens us so many worlds.
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