Sunday, January 27, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Curly willow limbs
reaching for the sky.
Jack Frosts walking stick
Catching Snowflakes
Tongue Outstreched.
Heavens Fairy Dust
Heavens fluffy goodness
accumulates on cars and trucks
perfect ingredients
Natures's Ice Cream.
Little girl twirls
On slick linoleum floors
Southern Ice princess.

This is a photo of my nephew taken on the way to Bend Oregon. He loved the snowballs that day. He like most of our family is growing up in the deep south where Snow of any amount is a rare event. I hope you all have a lovely week ahead.
Hip Hip Hooray! I finally figured out how to do a Permalink.I surprised myself being the non computer techie nerd that I am.
I invite you to check out my links in the sidebar.There is some awesome photographers listed.
I just want to add some background info on the above Haiku's. The first one is based on my childish delight in sticking my tongue out when it snows to catch snowflakes.The second one is based on the curly willow tree in my backyard which glistens and gleams with raindrops and icicles in cold weather. The third is about Snow Cream a throughly southern delight made with snow, vanilla,eagle brand or whole milk and sugar.It is made when you get that rare of all treats in the south a snow with accumulation . The Last is about me as a child when as a child I would sprinkle powder on our floor and twirl like an ice skater in my sock feet after watching the olympics.


Come Away With Me said...

Hello Yolanda, thank you for visiting my blog. I'm honored that you will link me. I see you are a book lover too...I'll be back for more visits.

Smalltown RN said...

well we were suppose to get this big snow storm..which didn't happen..and I can't believe I am pissed off about see we were to go to the mainland to do some car shopping but I didn't want to take my car(no snow tires) if it was going to started to snow in the am but didn't do anything..then they said it would be in the evening...guess is a glorious bright cool and sunny crisp day funny....have a great weekend...

Tumblewords: said...

How lovely these are and the photographs divine - now following links. Wonderful!

Debi said...

That is one big snowball! Thank you for visiting my poetry blog.

From the deep south (Florida).

SandyCarlson said...

This is wonderful! Fun. Thanks, Yolanda.
Writing in Faith: Poems

Lovella ♥ said...

Hello Yolanda, thank you for the visit .. . I must say you have a beautiful header photo. I'll be checking some of your photography links .. thank you.

qualcosa di bello said...

i love the idea of snow as heaven's fairy dust! what a pretty visual! hello, from the not-quite, but lacking snow south!

paisley said...

i had forgotten all about eating snow as a child... till my mom insisted we would get trench mouth.... why do moms have to take the innocent fun out of things.........

Willow said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I love 'meeting' fellow Oregonians. I am a native Oregonian as was my father. But now I live in SoCal.

I love your Oregon coast photos. Was that Yaguina lighthouse? And I recognized Multnomah Falls!


Carver said...

That's a great winter snow shot and I like the haiku too. Snow cream is something I enjoyed as a child and my daughter did too. You're right about needing enough snow. My daughter didn't understand why I would put a bowl out and we had to have enough snow fall directly in the bowl. I explained that I didn't want to scoop it off the ground and have snow dirt cream.

Shamelle said...

wow.. this is really a nice picture.


Paula said...

I love your Haiku ~ took me right back to those childhood days.

Mrs. G. said...

Great photo. Schools are closed here today due to snow. I am one happy teacher with two happy kids.

Plain Foolish said...

Oh, the joys of snow cream! We had to wait at least an hour into the snowfall before we put out the big ceramic bowl, so that we wouldn't be "eating coal smoke" as my mom put it.

Thank you for the happy memories.

spacedlaw said...

That second one really speak to the little girl in me!

Anonymous said...

they're all wonderful but I like the first one the best

UL said...

how beautiful, its my first time here and I loved this take..will be back for more.

Karen said...

Lovely--great photo and great haiku!

little wing writer said...

the happiness shines bright in your ku's...i loved them all...but the last one ...yeppers, that was fun...thank you for reminding me...our linoleum was brown marble, we danced to nutcracker...

Misty DawnS said...

Great photo! Looks like he was having a blast. I'm a book lover too, so I'll definitely be back to visit!

Quiet Paths said...

These are all just great. Nice job!

Pearl said...

congrats on figuring out permalinks. Love the picture. It could be a classic image of winter with its mood and composition. I remember when m New Zealand cousins first saw snow. They were wide-eyed delighted at it.