Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Last Lecture-Randy Pausch

I encourage you to spend 10 minutes and watch this video.It will make you cry and BE INSPIRED. It is one of the greatest lectures I have ever heard and orginally was given at Carnegie-Mellon University.

This video by this very brave man sums up so well my philosphy of life in just 10 minutes.

Watch and Be Moved!

Mahatma Gandhi : If you don't find God in the next person you meet, it is a waste of time looking for him further.


Jan said...

WOW!! Thank you, thank you!

melissa said...

I watched this a few weeks ago...and I just finished reading his book, a must-read (read it in one night), so amazing and inspiring!


Anonymous said...

It is amazingly powerful, I agree. I wonder if I would be as courageous if faced with the same challenge. I'm not so sure. Thanks for sharing it.

Carver said...

Powerful lecture. The last line and photo got to me the most.

Marg said...

This is so moving.
I had to share it with my hubby.
Sounds like a good book for my travels.

Amy said...

I viewed this video recently, and you're right: Tears and inspiration gush forth! We can all learn many lessons from Randy.

Shelby said...

I've been following his story. Very inspiring. Very.

Anonymous said...

I love him. I just finished his book, The Last Lecture. It was amazing!! So inspiring. I read it in one day. It makes me want to be a better person.

ArneA said...

A lecture about HIS life on the sunny side until the end became clear. Interesting and a tribute to his family.
Spending his last time to make money is fully acceptable. He has given his children a platform to continue life after his departure.
I have just seen the movie The Bucket list. That is also a way to spend your last moments.
Death has always a reason. DonĀ“t think about that, let life continue.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this with me. It is nice to see someone share something from Oprah's show instead of always putting her down.
Mama Bear

Karen said...

Okay...I'm crying now...

Monique Kleinhans said...

Thank you for posting that! I tried to watch this on you tube a while back but it wouldn't play all the way through.

I'm looking forward to reading his book as well.

I'm proud to be a tigger in life. :)

SisterJulia said...

Thank you!

I shall show my son tomorrow!


Annie Z said...
