I love looking at the old Photos from the Library of Congress that they show of the life in America in the earlier part of the 20th century. There is a large number of the them on Flickr.
I remember growing up in a small town how exciting it was when the fair came to town.Our little town usually only had a couple of rides,games but lots of exhibits and of course the Fairest of the Fair beauty contest. I always liked to look at the exhibits and still do.The fair I attended growing up smelled like a combination of mustard and animals mainly because you had to go past the cow exhibit to get to the exhibit area.Lol. The highlight of the fair for most of us back when I was growing up was the prison rodeo. In MS during the 70's the state prison would allow inmates on good behavior to go to all the little fairs and have a rodeo. It was always lots of fun to watch.
I love the signs in the background of this photo on the wall. I would love to be the pain free woman or at least know the secrets of the pain free man depicted on the wall.
Time spent laughing is time spent with the gods. Japanese Proverb
Thanks for sharing the photo, thoughts and memories. I also grew up in a small town and this sparked some fond recollections. Enjoy the weekend.
I have great memories of carnivals and circus's coming to our small town in the late 50's and 60's.
It is interesting to look back. I have many good small town memories from visiting my grandmother in the mountains. It's interesting to hear yours.
What a great picture. Thank you, esp. for your wonderings. I like the quote too.
I've fond memories of small carnivals, too--but they're just not the same (at least for me) anymore--I'm probably too jaded!
I'm sort of a carnie at heart. When I lived in Oregon, I was a vendor at Clackamas Co Fair and the state fair, and King Co (WA) fair, and helped my friend at the Washington Co fair. Great memories.
I've been reading through your recent posts and am interested in reading the book you recommended. I'll look for it.
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