I was so sad today to learn of Randy Pausch's passing. He was the author of The Last Lecture and the message that he left his children resonated with me so much. I just hope that we all might keep this precious family in our thoughts and prayers in the coming weeks.He had pancreatic cancer and was only 47 .If you would like to view the lecture that he gave at Carneige Mellon University which was such a You Tube hit just go there and type his name or "the last lecture". I promise after viewing it you will come away inspired and without a dry eye.I also encourage you to to to ABCnews.com and watch his commencement address to the class of 08.
I think that his life and his hope for all of us would be to cherish each day and not to sweat the small stuff.
"I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time."Jack LondonAmerican Author
"I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time".....excellent line, excellent post.
Thank you for posting this, I hadn't heard that he had died. I watched the video some while ago and found it utterly inspiring.
I was sad to hear yesterday about his passing.
Thank you, Yolanda.
I was saddened by the news as well … found myself listening to ‘the Last Lecture’ again on Saturday as I shared my thoughts on both blogs. I trust his legacy will live long and benefit many, but I mourn his passing and pray for his family.
Hugs and blessings,
May he rest in peace, and this has open my eyes to make the most out of life and to make peace with some loves one. Thank you for sharing!
Such words of wisdom. If everyone thought this way, I am sure war would be of the past.
"The Last Lecture" is amazing. He was truly an inspirational person of selfless character...most of us would be drowning in self pity...when his children are old enough to watch and understand these videos they will really treasure them.
thanks for sharing...this family has been on my mind for a few days, it's nice to pay tribute to them.
I had watched his last lecture last year.. so sad to learn of his death. Great great example tho of how to live. What a great legacy he leaves for his children.
So inspiring.
I had not heard that he had died either. I saw him on Oprah a while back and watched the speach. He left a beautiful legacy.
Mama Bear
Great post, thanks
I saw his lecture and read his book as well as saw interviews of him with his wife. What an inspiration. I am saddened for his wife and children that he is gone.
I just got his book and that is on the top of my list to read. I made peace with my siblings and it feels so great. Hugs, Pat
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