I loved , loved , loved this book-The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. I give it 5 stars. I had just finished reading Sara's Key when I read this. I like it because it is about WWII an era that fascinates me. I so admire the men and women who lived through this time period the truly were the Greatest Generation.
Anyway this book is a lighter hearted look at the people of this island and how they endured during the war. It also touches on the value of books when times are hard and you need something to take your mind off of the problems. It was a book that warmed my heart.I cheered for all the lovable imperfect characters throughout the book.
I hope that you will take time to read it. Thanks for dropping by.
If you love Christmas Music like I do. Here is a station in Portland, Maine that plays it 24 hours a day during this season. 94.9 WHOM and here in Portland , Oregon K 103 .
I thank you all for stopping by. Stay warm and safe. We have 4 inches of snow here with more predicted tommorrow and Sunday and the temp will only get to 33F this whole week.It is so pretty until I have to drive in it. LOL.I have this artist which is new to me whose music I adore-Krista Detor.
I think I might try my hand at making these-Alicia's Jam Thumbprints.
Whoever is happy will make others happy, too.
— Anne Frank
Man, I simply love that book's title! We're due for more snow here, as well. Maybe it IS a good time to bake cookies.
I just talked to my sil in Portland area and she was telling me about the snow and the prediction for more. I hope you have your shopping done and can get to work.
I love the WWII era books too and I'll put this one on my look for list.
It's snowing right now here. I'm not sure how much we've gotten or how much longer it will snow. but at least it's getting warmer. Temps were in the single digits all of yesterday.
I loved the Guernsey book too! I'm to the south of you in a small town outside of Salem, and we got about 3 inches of snow that turned to a sheet of ice. Because it's a small community not even our highways get snow-plowed, so we're pretty much house-bound. Thankfully our small town has easy access to grocery stores. I'll be interested to see what happens with the weather tomorrow.
Anyway, I just thought I'd say hi since it's always fun to discover another blogger in the region!
This is on my Christmas break reading list.
Hi! i do love reading your blog.. your entries always really stop and make me think. (thanks also for introducing me to Kathy Mattea, and for the inspirational reading ideas).
Sounds unreal, thinking of your snow. It's currently 26 degrees C in our office, which is a lovely cool day here in Africa!
I have a Christmas All the Time radio station playing. How do you get through The Christmas Shoes? Am I a Christmas curmudgeon for strongly disliking that song.
I ordered my husband the latest Jeff Shaara WWII book for Christmas. "Steel" something? Not my thing, but he loves that stuff.
I love the music. Thank you for another book recommendation (my list keeps growing!).
Looks like a good book. We got a few more inches of snow overnight. How in the heck do you know about Christmas music so far away from each other? :) We have CDs full of the stuff. :)
Thanks for the plug for 94.9 WHOM in Portland, Maine! We're working hard to keep everyone in the Christmas spirit! Good to know we're got at least one fan in the OTHER Portland!
Tim Moore
Program Director
94.9 WHOM
I loved this book too!
This sounds like a good book, I have to REMEMBER to look for it when I go to the library, lol!
The Guernsey book looks interesting - such an unusual name too. That Anne Frank quotation is so true, but it makes me sad thinking how her life ended.
Wow, snow and 24 hour Christmas music. How lovely.
I loved this book, too! I am going to reread it soon, as I love to reread my favorite books!
This sounds right up my alley. I agree with you about the WWII era. It seems that era (and that of the Depression) really knew how to appreciate what they had and also the moments they shared with loved ones.
Hi! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment- much appreciated! I really like your blog. Please let me know more about your Simple Abundance plans (I LOVE those books!). Also- I am currently reading Sarah's Keys so I am interested in the other book you mentioned. Stay warm!
Hey Yolanda! Thanks for stopping by our blog today and please do come back often. I was checking out your review of this book and think I may need to bump it up to the top of my to read pile. Quite a good endorsement. If you don't already (and I don't recall seeing a post from you there before) you should play along with Teaser Tuesdays on Miz B's blog - I have a post on our site. Seems right up your alley. Happy New Year and Happy Reading!!!
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