I sorry its been a week since I posted but I have really busy with work.I again want to thank everyone for their wonderful comments and friendship.It means the world to me.
These are the first two books I have read in 2009. I wanted to start the year off right with books that were calm, happy, soul gratifying and these fit the bill.
The first Every Soul a Star by Wendy Maas is a young adult book but such a sweet one about four teens who meet at a campground during an eclipse and discover undiscovered things about themselves and their new friends. It explains a little about amateur astronomy which interests me a lot. It is such a good sweet book .
The other one Blessed are the Cheesemakers by Sarah Kay Lynch is just a feel good book about the power of new beginnings and the joy of making cheese. It has a little of everything that makes a good book and just leaves you with a smile in your heart when you are done.
In my prior post in the comments someone asked what Simple Abundance was and so here is the definition.I think it describes it perfectly.
Simple,adj. 1.without embellishment; 2.clarity o form and thought; 3. fundamental
Abundance,n :1. ample quantity, profusion; 2:wealth; 3:plentifulness
Simple Abundance , 1: an inner journey; 2: a spiritual and practical course in creative living; 3. a tapestry of contentment.
I feel that pretty much sums it up right there. It is what I am striving for. I find that in following this journey it makes me you more grateful for the little things.The things that I was grateful for this week were:
1. Getting bifocals(lol) I can see small print again.
2. Getting to spend 2 days with my husband and driving up toward Paula's in Astoria and seeing the sun set in the Pacific on a rare clear blue sky day in Jan. here in the Pacific Northwest.
3.That my niece who had RSV last week is getting better in Nashville.
I have found that even on my bad days and I had a whole load of them last week that just being grateful for life and those I love is enough.
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past,brings peace for today and creates vision for tommorrow.-Melody Beattie
Simple Abundance--having enough of the simple meaningful things in life.
Well said - well done, Yolanda!
This is the second mention of Blessed Are the Cheesemakers; I'll have to check it out. Thanks!
I hope your FM hasn't treated you too badly today. Take care.
Simple abundance is a great phrase. A meditation in itself. I am curious about these books now. Thanks for highlighting them.
I have been reading my Simple Abundance Book again after being inspired by your posts. I'm not doing it daily like I did years ago but it's still nice to remind myself of some of it.
I read through Simple Abundance last year during my quiet-time readings. This year I am reading Romancing the Ordinary. It has really honed my perspective for savoring the simple and celebrating the serenity and joy in my life.
Thanks for the book ideas. I am ALWAYS on the lookout for a new read. : D
dear Yolanda - you had me running to my books, frantically looking for my copy. Here it was simply titled "Blessed Are" when published in 2002. The cover of the NZ version is sweet yet a little more racy. And I'm so excited to learn Sarah-Kate's book is doing so well overseas. She is a very funny and witty woman from NZ.
Another beautiful post from you, I hope this coming week is kind and gentle to you. Huggles and care, Michelle and a very content Zebby rescue cat, xxx purry purrrow
Ah, I am grateful for you, my friend, and for your guidance in Simple Abundance.
That you've read two books this year is a testament to your ability to save time for the important things. I am very frustrated right now, trying to finish reading a particularly deep work. So this post was a good nudge to take a look at my procrastination, or busyness, or whatever is my problem. :)
I've always strived to live a life filled with simple abundance. I try each day to say my thanks for the simple and basic things that make me grateful.
Love you post! Being content with the simple things are so important, I think.
Just catching up with your posts over the past few days and feeling sorry I've only come to these treasures now!
Thank you for the book recommendations - the Sarah Kay Lynch sounds right up my street.
I really enjoyed your post on the 7th, looking at your journey and who you are.
And this phrase "simple abundance" is new to me and I love it. It suits far better what I strive for myself than "voluntary simplicity". Simple abundance has a texture and richness that I believe we all need in life.
Hi~ Your books sound good- I'll have to check them out. I have my Simple Abundance book out- now I need to open it and start re-reading for January again. Love that book! I hope this week is a good one in your world! Take care!
I am truly grateful for the simple things in life...makes life rich and satisfying.
The cat's names in Blessed are the Cheesemakers completely cracked me up! I thought is was a sweet, fun story, I actually read it as one of our book club selections.
I have wanted to dive into some good books... it has been a while. I miss reading for fun... or for pleasure.
I love the quote from Melody Beattie!
A sunset on the Pacific sounds amazing :)
Glad to hear that your niece is doing well. That's important.
I agree that cultivating gratitude is so important. I would like to do that more often . . . but I don't want to turn it into a burden. You know what I mean?
There is some wonderful young adult literature out there. One of the writing projects I'm doing right now is to write study guides for a handful of young adult novels, and it's a very fun job.
Simple Abundance this week for me are these incredibly beautiful January days we're experiencing. I'm so glad you and your sweetie got to enjoy one of our beautiful sunsets this week.
So glad your neice is doing well. Our little grandson had RSV last year and was a sick little guy for awhile. It's a scary thing.
Happy Reading!
I think I'd enjoy "Blessed Are the Cheesemakers." Quite a few monks in my state make a living from making cheese, and they supposedly pray over the process. Thanks for recommending this book!
The books sound like good reads. I like what you said about simple abundance-a thing we should all strive for.
Hmm, I am due for biofocals, as well -- sounds like you are happy with yours!
Those books look interesting. Hope you had a safe trip and your neice is getting better. :)
Thank you for the great reading recommendations, Yolanda! :o) And for the sharing of your dwelling in simple abundance. Happy Days ((HUGS))
Very nice. I especially like the quote you included at the bottom.
Big Hug!
What a thoughtful writer you are, Yolanda. Thank you for the visit to my blog, and for your kind words. Also, thank you for your book recommendations.
Nice to see another pac-nw-er in the blogosphere. :)
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