I was at work yesterday but the whole hospital was abuzz as the time of the swearing in approached.In most every room patients had their TVs on and while making a bed I watched Barack Obama become our next president.I will admit that I shed a tear or two and realized that I was watching history being made.
It wasn't the fashion , the speeches, etc that impressed me but that the balance of power is transferred in this country with such dignity and respect. I think this photo from the news so perfectly represents this. In so many countries in the world the balance of power is transferred with so much strife . I think it is such a touching gesture that the outgoing president leaves the incoming one a letter and the Mrs. Obama gave Mrs. Bush a gift yesterday.I also was so impressed that there were over 2,000,000 people on the mall yesterday and not one single arrest.
I respect and thank President Bush for the job he did and for leading the country through the crisis of 9/11.I feel no matter his faults and shortcomings as a president he was still our leader and deserved our respect.
I pray that the Obama administration will be able to lead us through the very difficult times that our country presently is in. I don't expect it to happen overnight but I hope that the country can work together as whole and lead our country to a stronger tomorrow.
I also paused to reflect yesterday what Martin Luther King Jr. would have given and felt had he lived to see this day.
I also applaud the sacrifices made by all our servicemen and women who gave all they had so we could reach this day.
Here is a link to the beautiful poem written by Elizabeth Alexander{Praise Song for a Beautful Day} and read yesterday and also encourage you to go here and read Alice Walkers open letter to the new president.Just click on the highlighted links.
"I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Well said, Yolanda. Very nice post.
I love that you saw him sworn in as you were making a bed, as you were helping others. Elizabeth Alexander's poem was exquisite!
I too, watched with awe yesterday and sat spellbound at the hope that Obama is able to rally from the people. I respect his ambition and his sense of propriety. There are many great leaders, who are gone today, that would have relished these moments...
Beautifully said . . .
Beautiful portrait of Democracy at work.
What a beautiful post. I agree with you completely. And you have beautiful music playing on your blog. All photos of graciousness are touching. It certainly becomes anyone who hands it out.
Excellent post. Thank you, Yolanda!
I shed a tear or two as well. What a day! What a time in history!
You're so right about the peaceful transfer of power. We take it for granted, but it really is extraordinary.
Yes, indeed. It struck me that the transfer of power was swift. No sooner was the anthem done but things were put in motion. I was amazed and impressed by this. It showed me that the person in charge always has a finger on the pulse of the nation.
I watched with humble pride, if that makes sense.
And I so enjoyed watching VP Biden take pictures for our nation's first daughter. So beautiful.
Good post Yolanda and that is a great image of the outgoing and incoming President.
I have lived in a country that didn't alway change govts without bloodshed and I had the same thought as you did yesterday--a peaceful change of power is truly a blessing.
You've written my feelings so well. Thanks.
Amen! I love how you put it. :)
I was shedding tears of happiness along with so many others in our country and around the world. I have to believe that Martin was watching. I had the enjoyment of being in the school cafeteria where we had a tv set up,.. with grades 4-6th. They were cheering and clapping. Kids that age don't have any idea what so many went through to get to that day. Nice post Yolanda!
Love the picture at the top-we do have much to be thankful for in America-even with the problems we're having-it's still the best!
Awesome post, Yolanda!
Hi- that was a beautiful post Yolanda. Thank you for visiting my blog. I live in Idaho - right on the Oregon border actually.
Hello, thanks for your visit and taking the time to leave a comment for me, it's always lovely to meet someone new. That's a beautiful wish you have on your comments box*!*
G'Day, Thanks for visiting me and your comment.
I had a read through some of your blog, you write beautifully and I like what you say. I have bookmarked you so that I can find you again later on.
Like you but probably with less understanding from the other side of the world, I am so optimistic for your new president and him making his place in our world's history. I didn't get to see the inauguration, I guess it will be repeated later.
Good morning, Yolanda -
I, too, was moved to tears by the thought of history in the making and how far we've come during my lifetime. And my tears came again as I thought of how blessed - really, truly blessed - we are in America. The dignity and respect of the transfer of power couldn't be missed! The letter to our new president and the gift from Michelle to Laura were so full of meaning. Wouldn't you love to know what that letter said? And what a wonderful gesture of good wishes from our new First Lady. It is those special touches that brings home the fact that these are real people who truly care about their contribution to us and to those who have served and will serve in the future. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.
Yes, I was awed by that, too--that despite everything, our democracy works...peacefully...
Hello Yolanda!
Thank you so much for your visit and kind comment. What a beautiful and moving post. Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us. I hope you drop in for another visit soon, and surely I will be back to say hello.
Nicely Done!
Looking at this photo again on your blog, I am struck by the contrasting hair color. I guess it's simple and obvious....but it strikes me now the baton has been passed from old to young. A necessary change--whoever the contenders were.
Thank you for making the time to post, Yolanda, despite your busy schedule. You have very thought provoking words. I very much enjoy the quotes that you post and now the new one by M. Angelou. They're so uplifting.
The election was an incedible experience just to view on TV...historical...we may be asked in later years by schoolchildren, how it felt to be at this place at this time! Extraordinary.
Wishing you more reasons to be grateful on the path to Simple Abundance.
P.S. my verfication word is "untio"..sounds like Auntie O to me!
I absolutely love how you said this. You have put into words many of my own thoughts. You have also given me much to think about. I had never considered the astounding fact that in America, the transfer of power is smooth, peaceful, and in most cases, dignified. Wouldn't you love to get a look at that letter? I found this, though. http://www.swamppolitics.com/news/politics/blog/2009/01/bush_to_obama_43_to_44_a_lette.html
Wonderful, wonderful post.
You have a beautiful blog. Thank you for stopping by mine.I want to vist your often. Have a wonderful weekend..
I agree completely with you Yolanda!
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