Do you like Book Cover Art ? I do. There are some book covers that just speak to me with their imagery and this is one . I love the bird and the egg. I also think Elizabeth Berg is a gifted author and this is her newest book.I happened upon a blog the other day that was on book cover art and she mentioned how some books have the same imagery on the front. I have noticed that in several books published of late.
I wanted to share some linky love with you today.
I have found two design / craft blogs that I really like:
How About Orange-is filled with quirky craft projects and all around fun things to do.
Just Something I Made-this is by a crafter but she always shares the neatest things that other people can use on their blogs like imagery and email buttons etc.
The other link I want to share is a food blog.She is MS'S "Pioneer Woman" I think . She shares wonderful recipes for soul warming good southern food. The blog is My New 30.
I hope you will all stop by these lovely blogs for a visit. I am going to get around to all of your blogs the next two days and comment. I am so grateful for all of your comments on the last post and for allowing me to express my opinion.Thanks so much.
""There are random moments - tossing a salad, coming up the driveway to the house, ironing the seams flat on a quilt square, standing at the kitchen window and looking out at the delphiniums, hearing a burst of laughter from one of my children's rooms - when I feel a wavelike rush of joy. This is my true religion: arbitrary moments of of nearly painful happiness for a life I feel privileged to lead. -The Art of Mending" " — Elizabeth Berg
Hey!! Thanks for linking to my blog!
I LOVE the illustration on that book cover. Have a great week!
I'll check out those blogs. Thanks!
Love Elizabeth Berg. And that is a great cover!
I will definitely check her out. And yes, I've bought books just based on their cover art.
What a beautiful book cover..and, yes, I have loved E.B. for years.
I found her quite by accident about 12 yrs ago in Lincoln City. I think that she writes wonderfully.
Aloha, Yolanda!!
Nice cover and title. I'm checking it out on Good Reads. But first I'm checking out those intriguing links you have left here, Yolanda. Wishing you a good Tuesday, Annie
Thanks for the info on the blogs.
For me, cover art on books is like good curb appeal on a house. It invites me to walk up and ring the doorbell. If I like what I see in the first few pages, I'll come in and spend some time.
I also like the quote you shared. That's akin to what I feel when I'm at the stable on a Sunday evening and everyone else has gone home. It's just me and the horses and we get some time to just 'be' together.
I do like Elizabeth Berg, and that cover!
I am finally back blog commenting. I have been through a busy, busy time. I love Elizabeth Berg and was too busy to know she had a new book out. I got on the list at the library and can't wait to read it. I look forward to checking out these links also. I hope all is well .
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