The clouds are parting for what we in the Northwest call a sunbreak,off and on sprinkles throughout the day. I don't miss the tornadoes of my youth growing up in the south by do miss thunderstorms. The crabapple tree is in bloom as well as the azaleas and rhodendrons and the fruit trees are shedding their petals like flowers at a wedding. It is cool and damp and the birds and animals of the forest seem to be waking up from their long winters nap.I love listening to the "peeper frogs" sing the nightly arias as we walk the dogs.
Doing household chores like washing clothes and sweeping and the chores of daily living, listening to CNN talk about Swine Flu in the background. I am thankful that I have a roof over my head and food to eat and a job.Contemplating how glad I am to be an American and for the things I do have.
Molokai -I am about 1/2 way through it and it is an arresting and thought provoking story about the leper colony in Hawaii at the turn of the century and those who were exiled there. I found Julie Andrews biography at the library for a $1.00 and was tickled over this because I had been wanting to read it.
Contemplating simplicity and plans for the rest of the year and how I can make every day count. I am steadly trying to find the "pockets of joy" in each day.I am revisiting my Simple Abundance path and anticipating spending the weekend with my husband and a daytrip to Portland.
"The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself." — Anna Quindlen
I like what you are thinking about, Yolanda. You remind me of the importance of simplicity and I like the idea of the daily pockets of joy. No matter where we are in our lives and within this world, there is a lot to be said for the Simple Abundance path. Also, thank you so much for your words of compassion on my last post, it makes me feel less alone in this and opens me up to all that is good about being here, in the beautiful Pacific Northwest :) Kerstin xo
I LOVE, LOVE that quote. I copied it and I am going to make a photo with it on there. Being who God made us to be, is the easiest thing in the world, yet the hardest at the same time! We do get thunderstorms here. But the one we got last week had golf ball size hail in it and ruined the blueberry fields here. But today was beautiful.
Thanks for the visit to my blog. We live in Madison County, MS. For the last few days it has been summer like, mid-high 80's. We've had a little rain today so that has cooled it down just a big.
I can't imagine moving from MS to where you are now.
Thank you so for visiting me. I love what you have written above here in the comments section.
Your comment about reading Molokai reminded me that a number of years ago I read The Colony. I think that you would enjoy it if you haven't already read it.
As a little girl in Hawaii I remember hearing about Father Damian and certainly spent some time on Molokai. Ellen K.
What a hard and inexplicable time and season of cruelty.
take care...spring is in and out here where I am..just a little east of Elkton out in the country. If the greedy jays leave my cherries alone, it might be a bumper year. Hooray.
LOVELY. hugs.
i just found you via Relyn. i love your "about me" and the way you have your blog set up.
I read Molokai a long time ago and I really enjoyed the book.
i like how you said you're trying to find the "pockets of joy" in each day. what a great goal.
i'll be back to visit.
Thanks for your visit. Georgia is having lovely Spring weather presently. The native woodland flowers are so colorful and have a heavenly scent. It's a joy each day to see the new blooms.
I like your thoughts. It makes so much sense and it's a great way to bring about a creative blog.
Sometimes I need change and I like that style.
Hello, Yolanda. Thank you for visiting my blog! I will look you up on Facebook.
Your blog is lovely and what a clever title! Thank you for your kind wishes in the comment box, too!
love your expression about pockets of joy because those are what keeps me going these days. wonderful thoughts and happenings.
GORGEOUS photo, Yolanda! And the quote is genius. Thanks for visiting my blog.
I hope you find all you are looking for. This is a lovely, lovely photo. God bless, and happy spring.
Dear Yolanda, I am so very touched that you thought of me and left a message asking after me...I am OK, but have taken time off from blogging because I was doing too much and needed to step back to rest. I still visit blogland, but am quietly in the background right now. This was a wonderful post of yours and I want you to know that you brought me a "packet of joy" by sending out a message.
May you find comfort and joy on your Path to Simple Abundance. I always find gratitude opens my mind to what is GOOD in my life and there are many good, simple things there!
I love the Anna Quindlen quote ... how true! Thanks for another great book recommendation. Re: pockets of joy, we do need to recognize them everyday. They are there, in spite of the chaos that might be swirling around us.
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