If our country is worth dying for in time of war let us resolve that it is truly worth living for in time of peace. ~Hamilton Fish
I hope all of you Have A Wonderful Holiday Weekend. I also want to thank all those who serve our country in the military at home and abroad and their families.I also would thank those public servants who keep our families safe here EMS personnel,Police Officers, and Firefighters .
I thought it was kind of good that my 300th post was on America's birthday.
Wishing you a very safe and happy 4th of July weekend Yolanda!
Aloha, friend
Comfort Spiral
how cool and AMEN girl! praise those guys for what they do!
Fish rocked. Plain and simple. And he wasn't afraid to champion the little guy. A, A, A, Amen.
Happy 4th and happy 300th post!
I admire your new blog header. That's a great way to celebrate passing #300.
I hope you're enjoying your weekend and are getting some time away from work to relax.
BTW, I really like your new header.
Happy belated 4th! :)
Hope you had a lovely and fun 4th weekend, Yolanda. And happy 300...what a milestone. Happy Days :o)
Hope your 4th of july was wonderful!
; )
Oh I only just spotted your 300th post! What a fabulous milestone, congratulations.
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