I have this in my Flickr favs and thought it an appropriate photo for Sunday Scribblings. If I had three wishes they would be:
1.For Health- For my husband,sister and sister-in-law and their families.
2. For Balance in all areas of my life. I strive to find a balance between work and home and I often find it hard to do this. I also would like to find a balance between the physical,emotional,spiritual and work areas of my life.
3.To eventually to find a job that I can love and one for DH which will allow him to keep the benefits he has with his present job.He can transfer them if he can find a similar job within the federal agency he works for.
I know that these were not earth shattering wishes like some of the other SS writers but they were what was on my mind today.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
These are good, honest wishes and I hope they come true for you. Your link has been posted -- thanks!
I believe wishes don't have to be earth-shattering - just heartfelt!
May yours come true...
Wishes don't have to be earth-shaking to be moving. I hope yours come true.
Wishes don't have to be earth shattering; they just need to represent what your heart truly desires. I hope all your wishes come true!
I can't imagine people who wouldn't want these things, earth-shattering or no. Lots of people wished for good health for themselves and their loved ones (I did) and many of us strive for balance, too.
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