Friday, January 04, 2008

Resolutions : I didn't make any this year did you?I don't think they work at least not for me.
I tend to do them for about three days and then they fall by the wayside so this year I made a list of hopes.I got this idea from Jen Gray(who I admire and she is an incredible photographer).
  • I hope that my friends and family stay healthy and at peace this year and that they are able to achieve some of what they wish forand that we grow closer.
  • I hope that America and World will increase their awareness and need to help the Earth and reduce the destruction we are doing to our planet.
  • I hope America can find a President who is able to lead this country out of the war in Iraq and the economic trouble that is looming on the horizon and works to help the common man not the rich or the big oil companies.
  • I hope that I develop a deeper relationship with the holy in my life.
  • I hope to become healthier and have more vitality in my life.
  • I hope to appreciate the sacredness in the everyday and live simply.
  • I hope to reduce our debt.

I hope to do these fun things in the coming year.

  • I hope to get a bicycle and ride it for some of the errands around town and for enjoyment.
  • I hope to travel backto my other home and see our friends and family there and eat some southern food that you just can't get here.
  • I hope to develop close friendships with each of you who read here regularly.
  • I hope to grow in my photographic capabilities.
  • I hope to learn to sew,knit and crochet.
  • I hope to finish all the books on my book list.
  • I hope to Do something brave at least weeekly.
What are your hopes? Please share them with me.
Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.
— Swami Sivananda


Anonymous said...

Well, I always make what I call goals. Then at the end of the year I look back to see if I accomplished any of them. I'm thinking I need to do this in 6 months when I begin a new journal.
I always manage to reach some of them. If I didn't make them, I would't have a plan. Did you want to know what they are?
Mama Bear

Carver said...

I didn't make any resolutions this year either but I like the idea of coming up with a list of hopes. You have a great list. Perhaps I'll try that myself on notebook paper. I know that's one of my hopes. I want to go back to writing more in a paper journal. I like blogging but it's replaced the writing I used to do in a journal and I hope I can get back to keeping a handwritten journal.

Monique Kleinhans said...

What a gorgeous post! (and thank you for your kind comments on my blog as well). I agree that resolutions don't seem to work...and when they do it feels more like boot camp then make a decision to do things differently in your life or change your focus. So I appreciated your list of hope.
I also agree with Carver, writing in a journal is such a good thing to do. I find that in my life I've only tended to journal when I felt emotionally alone or dark...I need to learn to write regardless if I'm happy or sad. I think what it comes down to is taking the time for yourself to do it...which is my 'theme' or focus of this year: Self Care. Improve my health, stretch my mind, inspire/encourage my creativity, work hard to treat myself with kindness as much as possible every day. I'm good at taking care of others, not as good as looking to as selfish as it feels to say it, this year is going to be more about me. (because I know I'll still be looking out for others too ;)

And I'm looking forward to getting to know you better this year too!

Jill said...

Such wonderful hopes for the new year!
I have many... one of which is to embrace myself and who I am. Also to LIVE each day!
Thank you for stopping by my place. It is so wonderful to "meet" new people.
Happy New Year!

Paula said...

What a great list. I really like the idea of "hopes".
I hope we get to visit our grandbabies this year...
I hope that we pull out of Iraq before our two sons have to go back...
Happy 2008!

Evelyn said...

I love your list of hopes, what a great idea! I hope to get a sewing machine this year. I miss sewing and want to get back to it. I look forward to sewing some of my own clothes but can hardly wait to sew for my grandchildren.

In response to you comment on my blog, I am having a good year so far. It will just be hectic for this month. I am a staff accountant and we are in the process of closing out the year. I like it though, because it is really the only time of year anymore that presents a challenge for me at work.

I hope you have a wonderful year!

Shelby said...

I too love your list of hopes.

I hope for. . .

a more positive attitude for myself, more thankfulness, more enthusiasm, more focus on the loveliness of the here and now, and

maybe a trip to Oregon soon.

Jone said...

I am in the Portland area. Love your photos. Thank you for stopping by.

Katherine Dunn/Apifera Farm said...

I think writing things down formalizes it in your heart, and it becomes reality if it truly is in your heart.

Hopefully we'll meet at one of our Pino Pie days this summer and I think I'm doing some other open studio things. Just haven't figured it out. Thanks for your nice comment on my blog - you came to Oregon in the wettest winter!
Peace in'08...

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of 'hopes' you know I figured one word of intent was all I could manage.

I hope all your hopes come to fulfillment!

Gudl said...

Hi! thanks for stopping by my blog.
I wish you a Happy New Year!
i also commented on you dec.20th post.

Paulie said...

I like using the word " hopes" . . . I hope it will snow for me to get some good photos; I hope I stay healthy; I hope I will get to go to Mt. Hood for my birthday; I hope I will find a volunteer job that I will enjoy; I hope I can finish moving my stuff out of storage soon. Guess that about covers it for me. I also hope that my blogging friends enjoy good health and the things that bring them happiness too.

DeeMom said...

Yolanda, welcome to popping onto my blog

Now to visit yours


The only Resolution I am going to share is: “Complain less and give more.” I am making a copy of what I hope to achieve and tape it to my calendar as a daily reminder, to me, of the goals I have set forth for myself

Anonymous said...

I think we have a lot of the same resolutions or goals this year. I don't really make them but just do goals or a theme for the year usually. I really do keep it in mind which is the point I guess. Thanks for visiting my blog. I will read more of your's. :)

Sharon said...

Hello Yolanda. Thank you for your kind words on my blog. I really like your idea of "hops" and the list you created.
I too hope for continued good health for family & friends.

Jeri said...

I share alot of your hopes, especially for our country and the election. I, too, am always moving towards self improvement and my spiritual connection. I hope to be creative, have fun, enjoy everyday. I'm not big on resolutions either, though I did resolve to not get sick on my christmas break and I stayed healthy! Yea.

Smalltown RN said...

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your comments.....I love your list....I especially like the one where you want to do something exciting every much fun is of luck with your list...and I would love to come back and visit....cheers...

DeeMom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kerri Farley said...

Wow Yolanda, this is a beautiful shot!

You have a great list of "hopes"!
My hopes might be a little long for the comments section...but I do hope all friends, family, and blogging family are blessed with good health this year.

I need to explore your blog some more...I'll be back!

Christy Woolum said...

I love your list of hopes.